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Your Story Matters

Your Story Matters

An emphasis I want to put on this season of SHE WHO IS is all about stories. SHE WHO IS started because of my own story and I strongly believe there is power in sharing our lives and our stories with one another. 

What is the importance of sharing our stories?

1. It belongs fully to you 

Your story and the things that you have come through are uniquely your own. No one else has the same story that you do!

2. It brings God the glory

When you share your story, you are able to bring God glory from the things He has delivered you from. Your story is able to demonstrate the living love and power of God and gives full testimony to the fact that God has done big things in your life.

3. It promotes togetherness and encourages fellowship

Sharing vulnerable events that have happened to us can bond us with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Not only does it show that we trust our fellowship with them to share these things, but it encourages fellowship to others going through rough times themselves.

Though we all have a story and testimony to share, yours may not be contained in a nice, clean, presentable package and that is okay! Life stories do not always have a clear beginning, middle, and end. That is part of being imperfectly human- we are always growing, flourishing, and changing. Just because God has delivered you from a place you used to be does not mean you will no longer struggle or go through new tribulations that you have to once again lean on God for. He is supposed to be our rock and foundation, always. 

Not only does your story matter and have the ability to change someones life, sharing it enables you to find hope and freedom. This hope and freedom is found when you share your story and reshape the narrative to put Jesus first. Your story matters because it shows others the amazing ways that God has worked in your life and shaped you into who you are today. When we try living for ourselves first, we are left addicted, alone, purposeless, and lost. Only when we put Jesus first in our lives can we find true peace and freedom.  

"Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses." 1 Timothy 6:12 NIV

I am going to keep this post very brief because it is more of a call to action rather than a full Bible study. 

If you feel compelled to share your story or be a guest writer for our blog, I want to help offer a platform for you to do so. Please email the post or story you would like to submit to I will not be able to post every single submission but will do my very best to share the stories that we receive, whether it is on our blog or on our social media. 

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I really needed to read this! As of lately, I have truly been feeling defeated by my past. It is not pretty. It has caused a lot of bad feelings of regret and left me with severe anxiety. Our life stories are what make us, and without them we wouldn’t be who God calls us to be today. Maybe we go through the things we do so we can be a testament to how God never leaves us. He is right there waiting when we are ready for Him. How His grace saves us from what we are running from inside of ourselves. How He calls us to Him, and never fails to show us how much He loves us.

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